The Cheyenne Business Parkway (CBP) encompasses a total of 900 acres immediately east of central Cheyenne and within city limits.
The CBP has 200 acres available in parcels ranging from a few acres to fifty acres, 80 acres of which are available for technology development. The park has access to Interstates 80 and 25, and to major arterial traffic routes around and directly into the city. All utilities, including high-volume natural gas, electricity, and redundant fiber optics telecommunications, are in place.
Current tenants of the CBP include Lowe’s Regional Distribution Center, EchoStar Broadcasting Corp. (DishNetwork) satellite uplink center, Truss-Craft, Sierra Trading Post Fulfillment/Catalog Headquarters, Cheyenne Firefighters Training Facility, nanoMaterials Discovery Corp., Magpul Industries, Grobet USA, and Greenhouse Data, to name a few.
At the intersection of I-80 and I-25, 90 minutes north of Denver, 2 miles west of Cheyenne.

Roads, water, sewer, power and telecomm. are under construction, with a completion of late 2006

Lowest land costs in the Front Range.